Is the 2024 Turner Prize Dull?

Join us as we step inside the 2024 Turner Prize exhibition at the ‪@Tate‬ where this year's entries for the prestigious British prize may look deceptively “safe” but packs an emotional punch. In this year’s show, traditional materials like paper and sculpture come alive with powerful social commentary.

From Claudette Johnson’s haunting Pietà-inspired piece on loss and motherhood to Delaine Le Bas' exploration of art in the face of death, this exhibition prompts us to ask, What is the role of art in a turbulent world?

Forget the critics’ label of “dull”—this year’s Turner Prize dares to ask the questions that matter most. Everyone's got the Turner Prize wrong this year. The show was panned, only a week after it came out no less. It was called dull and safe by The Guardian. And they could not be more wrong.

So what is the point of art? It's this. It's so that we ask ourselves what matters deeply to us. Is the 2024 Turner Prize safe? No. We wouldn't say that at all. The Turner Prize is on show until February.

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